Let’s Stop the 4D-Attacks on Women in Leadership

Let’s Stop the 4D-Attacks on Women in Leadership

Last week we explored how the “b” word is used to denigrate powerful outspoken women. That remains a concern, but it appears that some choose to steer clear of the profanity. They will instead launch an outright campaign designed to dismiss, discredit, demonize and destroy these same women. We’ll call it a 4D-attack.

A woman’s drive and determination to reach higher heights – i.e. the White House – is cavalierly dismissed as her being “too ambitious.”  This label is given despite her qualifications and preparedness. If this is a national trend, it explains why so many women are underemployed.

A woman’s success in doing the job she was hired to do – i.e. criminal prosecutor – is discredited because she actually played a role in sending guilty people to prison. Yeah, that’s what most prosecutors do, though it is not all that they do. If it is not her job, the woman is discredited for choices she made in her personal life such as her selection of a mate.

A woman who has the nerve to be strong, proficient and resilient is demonized by detractors who refer to her as “nasty.”  Surely they can come up with something better than “nasty?” Granted, we know that no one is perfect, but that doesn’t warrant nasty name-calling. Instead, try calling her “empowered.” Doesn’t that sound better?

If the attempts to dismiss, discredit and demonize succeed, the final blow is to destroy. Destroy her hopes, her dreams, her visions by nitpicking and criticizing ever fiber of her being. If she is destroyed, she will be put in her place to the satisfaction of her attackers, but at a great loss to society.

The Sojourner’s Digest does not endorse political candidates, but we do have problems with personal attacks that have nothing to do with an individual’s qualifications and experience. Some criticism is expected when someone ventures onto the national platform, but for some reason when that someone is a woman and especially when she is a woman of color, those criticisms seem to be even more scathing. We have to stop these 4D-attacks in their footsteps.

To put Dr. King’s words in a relevant light, “let us judge women in leadership fairly, by the content of their character and essence of their ability, not by the distorted reflection of misogyny.”

Sojourner Justice

3 thoughts on “Let’s Stop the 4D-Attacks on Women in Leadership

  1. We as women should continue what our mothers have taught us about being ladies. Let’s help this generation take back their respect and dignity. Our character is all we have nowadays.

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