Tales from the Trail: Breonna Taylor

Tales from the Trail: Breonna Taylor

We dedicate this week’s Tales from the Trail to the memory of Breonna Taylor. Granted, while we realize that the justice system is not/should not revolve around emotion, we still stand stunned at the little disregard for the human life that was so tragically taken from us.

Today former Louisville police officer Brett Hankinson was indicted by a grand jury for three counts of wanton endangerment for firing shots into Breonna Taylor’s apartment. Interestingly, while these charges hold him accountable for the bullets that missed Miss Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker, neither he nor his fellow officers are charged with firing any of the bullets that ultimately led to Miss Taylor’s death. Sad.

At the age of 26, Breonna Taylor had everything to live for. She was working as an EMT in Louisville, but had plans to be a nurse. She was a lively young woman who enjoyed spending time with her family. Although she and Jamarcus Glover were no longer in a relationship and did not reside together at the time she was shot by police during the no-knock raid, she was kind enough to let Glover use her address. That kindness would prove to be fatal as police assumed that Glover was residing at the residence. No drugs were found at the residence.

Before her murder, Breonna Taylor had just purchased a Dodge Charger and was trying to get her credit straight so she and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker could purchase a house. The couple had plans of starting a family in the near future.

Breonna Taylor was a “good girl.” She made her living honestly and minded her business. She had a heart for people and enjoyed her job despite the long hours and heart-wrenching situations. She loved her family and friends. And, if you can’t tell from the pictures in the news, she took great pride in her appearance, making sure that her hair and makeup were always “on point.”

Breonna Taylor wanted to make a difference in the world. Surely this is not what she had in mind, but we can’t let her death be in vain. So far, the Louisville Police Department has banned no-knock warrants, fired an officer and reached a $12 million settlement with Breonna Taylor’s family that includes promises of police reform.

We are glad that somebody is listening. Sadly though, none of these changes will bring Breonna Taylor back.  Nor will they prevent the next case of a young black woman being killed in her home by thoughtless, reckless law enforcement officers. Remember Atatiana Jefferson?


Sojourner Justice


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