Serenity Prayer: Part II

Serenity Prayer: Part II

We’ve all heard this statement before…the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Some of us have even agreed with it and accepted it as the gospel truth. But, is it really?

Yes, the serenity to accept the things we cannot change is necessary, but some changes are needed to save lives and legacies.

Changing the African American plight from slavery to freedom? Yes, that took a lot of courage, but we made it.

Changing the law from Jim Crow, discrimination and segregation to Civil Rights and equality? Yes, that continues to take a lot of courage from those willing to speak against injustices.

Changing mindsets to be more proactive and less complacent? Yep, much courage is needed to challenge those who are not in tune with their history and potential.

The above changes are somewhat abstract, but the steps needed to get there have been and continue to be more concrete. We could list all of the abolitionists, the civil rights leaders, the activists who have courageously advocated on behalf of those who have been disenfranchised and marginalized throughout history, but the point may be lost.

Change is not something that we have to wait for others to promote – we all have the power to promote change in our everyday lives. It could be as subtle as changing one’s eating and exercise habits to boost your overall health. Imagine the impact this will have on your family’s lifespan for generations to come as they follow suit. Or, it could be as bold as demanding economic equality for the chronically impoverished. This could level the playing field bringing about even more positive changes for everyone…less crime, less unrest, more peace.

It takes courage to change the things we can. Complacency is comfortable, like a favorite pillow or blanket, but at some point it gets old and starts to show a little wear and tear. “The way we’ve always done it” may have been effective in its heyday, but there’s always room for improvement.

Be bold. Be courageous. Be the change.

Next week we tackle Part III of this series – Wisdom.

Sojourner Hope


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