Black characters in “Bridgerton” a refreshing break from the norm

Black characters in “Bridgerton” a refreshing break from the norm

It is so refreshing to see a mini-series that reflects on and inserts Black folk in all walks of life including sitting on the throne.  The ever-regal and unconventional Queen Charlotte gives us life with her intentional challenging of social norms along with the Duke of Hastings, Lady Danbury and Marina Thompson.  The Netflix adaption of Julia Quinn’s best-selling romance series was released on December 25, 2020. Seeing the Black characters in the eight episodes was a welcome departure from regular television viewing.

Big thanks to our sister Shonda Rhimes, producer of this spectacular series. It has certainly opened doors that for hundreds of years we weren’t allowed to enter. The setting allows Black folks the opportunity to see themselves in roles that, while service oriented, were leadership in nature and much more respected than what has been shared through classrooms around the world about that time period.  It allows us to see ourselves in positions of royalty and as business owners and upper class citizens that contribute to an established society.

Everything from the setting to the costumes that allow our beautiful silhouettes to be put on display without shame have added more dimensions to the presence of Black faces on the screen. Even unique hairstyles became the thing of social envy in this series.

Unlike most mainstream shows, men and women of color in Bridgerton are rarely portrayed as criminals, rather they are depicted as average citizens with average lives and average to above average means. Simply refreshing! Refreshing to see a vision of Black folks being able to sustain relationships with family, friends, society and in politics. The modes of transportation even reflect how unique Black folks were during the time.

Although set in the 18th century, there was no direct reflection on or focus on slavery. This gives Black people an opportunity to see themselves in a different light during this era of oppression. This is definitely a worthy series to binge-watch when you get a chance.

Looking forward to Season 2!

-Sojourner Doc


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