Black Voters are Swarming the Polls. Here’s Why.

Black Voters are Swarming the Polls. Here’s Why.

In 2008 Black voting records were broken by 18 to 24 year olds. Young Black Americans came out in droves to show their support for Former President Barack Obama. Researchers saw an increase of about 126 million Black voters in 2008 in comparison to the 5 million from 2004.

This year records seem as though they are on the brink of being broken again with more Blacks than ever registering to vote and rushing to the polls.

Why now though?

Black voters in ten different states have said that this year’s election is the most important one of their lifetime, believing that a second Trump term would bring irreparable chaos to the country. 

For many Black Americans this election is not just about politics, but a matter of life and death. With the current president failing to (1) denounce white supremacy,(2) admit systemic racism exists, and (3) acknowledge the huge increase of police killings of unarmed Black Americans, this election holds more at stake than any other.

Now in 2020, Black Americans and their allies are still fighting for some of the same civil rights that their ancestors fought for during the Civil Rights Era, equality and justice FOR ALL.

“We shouldn’t be where we’re at in 2020,” said Tasha Grant, 44, to the Washington Post out of  concern for her children’s safety. Her feelings are shared with a majority of Black parents in America. Many of them are voting to ensure that their children and other Black Americans and the future can live without being in fear.

This year Sojourner’s Digest encourages all of our readers to vote with a sense of responsibility for this country and your future. This election is one of the most important ones that any of us will participate in. So vote for the best candidate, vote for change.

Sojourner Chief


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