Easy Breezy Beautifully Colored Girl

Easy Breezy Beautifully Colored Girl

Part IV: Bonnets vs. No Bonnets

Moving onto more modern and seemingly less important topics, let’s address the bonnets vs. no bonnets debate. Before beginning this segment please refer back to this article. Did you read it? Good. Now with that being said, please understand that wearing any type of head covering in any culture is an evolution of our homeland practices. Some women (and men) wear them for religious beliefs, personal beliefs or even just cosmetic purposes and that is okay. We should accept diversity and not shun it. If we were all the same then the world would be very boring. That being said, a lot of people have had a lot to say about black women wearing their bonnets outside of the house. Now, unless you avoid social media or live underneath a rock I’m sure you’ve seen this photo of some beautiful carefree black women wearing their bonnets in an airport while going through TSA.

The story behind it is that while these women were minding their business a man decided that they looked unkempt and disgusting. He apparently felt that it was necessary for him to take a photo of them and put them on blast on social media. For no reason other than he felt that it was acceptable to take what they were wearing personally. But why would someone feel so comfortable as to photograph these ladies without their consent and post the photo on social media to shame them and any other black woman or girl who dares to step out of the house with a bonnet or scarf on their heads? Maybe he truly cares about the image that black people present outside of their homes or maybe he has some insecurities of his own that make him feel entitled to abash complete strangers on the internet. 

Now if you’re a woman period then you know that getting your hair done is not a cheap nor easy feat. You spend anywhere between $40 to several thousand dollars to get your hair done so you look presentable, cover it up when necessary so it will last for a while, just for a man who can’t pull an afro pick through his hair to tell you what to do with it or for a woman to judge you… Oh okay. I guess. It just doesn’t make sense.  

Other people wearing what they want isn’t bothering anyone or causing any type of disturbance so why do people feel so comfortable commenting on it or judging them? Trust and believe that it will be just fine if you see a woman wearing a headwrap or bonnet outside of her house. Essentially it’s the same thing as a man wearing a durag to keep his waves in place or because he needs a haircut. Why don’t we focus on comparing the two more often and maybe we’ll have less judgement and more understanding. 

  • Sojourner Chief

Well, we certainly hope you have enjoyed reading this four-part series as much as we have enjoyed sharing it with you. Come back for more thought-provoking content!


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