Free at Last, Free at Last??

Free at Last, Free at Last??

With freedoms comes great responsibility. How many times did you say, “I can’t wait to become an adult?” Or “I can’t wait until I get my own place!” These statements aren’t so loaded from an adult’s perspective. Have you prepared for what lies ahead? Have you truly considered the words of your elders?  Often times in life we resent people for telling us what they believe to be right just to grow up and find out they were right. It’s not always fun and games when it comes to being an adult.

Consider taking mental and physical notes as you grow up to assure you are connecting with good contacts and mentors along your way to adulthood. And if by chance you take an alternate path to adulthood just know that everyone’s path may be different. Ultimately, we all want freedom but the preparation to achieve that freedom may carry a hefty price if chose to go it alone.

Many black families struggle to just make ends meet let alone overlap. When you succeed at something, don’t be afraid to share that success with others. Likewise, if you don’t succeed at a certain task don’t be afraid to share that with others as well. It’s how the circle of life expands and each generation expands with the knowledge of the previous generation. Don’t leave your family wondering how or why to do certain things that you’ve already overcome. Spread the wealth of achievement throughout your family.

Be appreciative of the life experiences that have led to the successes in your life but also acknowledge the deficits of lack of communication so that you can grow into a productive, prosperous and contributing citizen with more to add to the world than already exists.

-Sojourner Doc


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