Health is more than wealth – it is transformative

Health is more than wealth – it is transformative

Health is happiness.
Health is hearty.
Health is smiley.
Health is sexy.

Health is wealth. Maybe not the “new wealth” as some may say, but more like the fountain of
youth. The benefits are there for those who seek it out.

Shortly after my 40th birthday, a series of doctor’s appointments revealed some sobering
revelations. All of my perceived ailments were chalked up to one nagging culprit — my weight. I
was headed in the wrong direction. Those extra pounds had me borderline for everything from
high cholesterol to achy joints to difficulty sleeping.

It took a minute, but I eventually saw the light. Cross-training with an exercise group helped me
rediscover energy levels that I hadn’t experienced since my childhood. Running stairs, jumping
rope, doing push ups, all just a few examples of what our routines entailed. I enjoyed updating
my wardrobe as I shed the extra pounds and my curves started to make sense again. I didn’t
think that the good vibes would ever end. Little did I know, I had raised the bar pretty high for myself.

After a consistent two-year stint, the exercise group disbanded and my trainer moved away. The
pressure to stay in shape and live healthy was solely on me. It was easy at first as my routines
mimicked what I had grown accustomed to during those peak workouts. Unfortunately, my
progress soon stalled as things became stagnant. Even though I was consistent, I no longer got
the same results from previous years. It probably didn’t help that I was getting older. As we age
and start to lead more sedentary lifestyles, our metabolism slows, our hormones change and we
lose lean muscle. This all affects how our bodies burn calories throughout the day.

As I get closer to the half-century mark, I have resolved to make health a daily priority. Out of all
the activities I have tried – running, speed walking, gym workouts – I have discovered that
staying fit is easiest when I do things that I truly enjoy. Health should be fun and purposeful. The
less it feels like work, the more you appreciate the results.

Lately, my enthusiasm for working out comes from meaningful activities like working in the yard and learning Zumba routines for upcoming classes. What works for me may not work for everyone else, but that is the beauty of health. It is transformative.

Health is energy.
Health is peace.
Health is irreplaceable.

Health is wealth.

Contributor Toni Terrett is a judge, educator and newly certified Zumba instructor who promotes
health through her fitness venture Super Women by Design.


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