Serenity Prayer: Part I

Serenity Prayer: Part I

Believers and non-believers alike are familiar with the serenity prayer. It’s a simple reminder of how, despite our best efforts to excel and conquer the world, that we are often limited by our humanity.

Serenity is best described as a state of calmness and tranquility. It’s being at peace and untroubled even amidst chaos and confusion. It’s also the acknowledgment that certain events are outside of our power and control.

So when God grants you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, it is an affirmation that despite your awesomeness as a human being, your superpowers have limits. Imagine that a 30-foot barrier is blocking your view of what’s ahead. You know the potential that exists for you and your loved ones on the other side of the barrier, but you cannot move, climb or dismantle it. You could expend your financial resources, your brainpower and your strength trying to get rid of the barrier, but at what expense?  All of your best efforts will leave you tired, broke and frustrated.

Having the serenity to know that you cannot change the barrier does not mean that all hope is lost. It’s not a sign of weakness or defeat. It simply means that as you take a step back and accept the limits of your power, that you will receive the revelation of how to conquer the barrier in a more effective way. Perhaps you are being directed in an alternate route that will take you around the barrier? Or, maybe you will be assisted by someone who has the tools needed to navigate the barrier without all of the stress you were facing? Serenity is often a reminder that we are not in this world alone.

The serenity to accept the things you cannot change gives you the focus, the strength and the faith needed to overcome every obstacle that you may encounter. It’s not a matter of giving up or giving in, it’s about being empowered to operate at your fullest potential.

Visit us next week for Part II – Courage.

Sojourner Hope


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