Three Tips For Black Business Owners During Pandemic

Three Tips For Black Business Owners During Pandemic

Being an owner of a an independent business is hard enough. Let alone being the owner of a new, growing black-owned business. However, running a small black-owned business in the midst of a pandemic is another beast altogether.

Running a business takes patience. There will be some bright spots and there will be some downfalls. Staying composed under pressure is a valuable trait for any business owner, especially in light of a global pandemic and wishy-washy economy. Without further ado, here are three tips to help you keep your black-owned business going strong throughout this pandemic.

1. Stay Motivated

Trust me, this pandemic won’t last forever. If your business is experiencing a down period, it’s ok to slow things down. However, be sure not to bring things to a complete halt. With all that is going on in the world, people are constantly searching for a new online marketplace. Use this to your advantage. The world is yours (relatively speaking)!

Continuing from the previous point, be polite to your consumers! Word of mouth is a powerful tool. Don’t let your frustrations leak into your interactions with the people who support you. All it takes is one bad social media interaction for your entire brand’s image to be ruined. Keep your head up, things can always get better!

2. Support Other Businesses

What’s the “Golden Rule” we learn as children? Treat others how you would want to be treated? As a small business owner (or just a business owner in general,) this should be a rule you utilize to your advantage. 

 *Don’t support businesses just because you want support in return. Support businesses you are genuinely interested in.*

“How can I support? My business isn’t bringing enough profit to buy products.” Supporting the business doesn’t necessarily mean spending money. You can support by following on social media, sharing posts, referring to your friends, etc. There are a myriad of ways to support small businesses. The more eyes, the better!

Remember, this pandemic isn’t only affecting you. It’s affecting small business owners across the globe. Your support could be the positive energy needed to encourage someone to keep grinding. 

3. Continue to Build What You Envision

Is your goal to be nationwide? Continue promoting yourself to the country. Is your goal to be international? Communicating intercontinentally has never been easier. Use the tools you have available to you (smartphone, laptop, social media, etc.) to achieve the goals you set out to accomplish. Networking with like-minded owners helps you get a grasp of how other people in similar situations are planning to advance. Use every interaction as an interaction to grow from. Complacency begets complacency.

Don’t let the pandemic slow your roll. You will succeed. Remember to stay patient, take deep breaths, and remember that everyone is experiencing this pandemic. Things are unfamiliar for most people in these times. Your business will survive. Stay smart and focus on the end goal.

-Sojourner Freeman


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