Tried, tested and true: HBCUs continue to thrive

Tried, tested and true: HBCUs continue to thrive

Widespread bomb threats on the first day of Black History Month are just a distraction, not a deterrent

HBCUs have long been safe havens for not only African American students, but anyone pursuing higher education in a close-knit, hands-on, upbeat atmosphere. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, organizers met on the campuses of schools such as Tougaloo College in Mississippi. Such campuses were sacred places where meetings and planning could take place without the threat of interference from white supremacists.

These schools have remained institutions of great influence since the before the end of slavery. Despite attempts to discredit and diminish their impact, HBCUs have continued to play a significant role in the development and training of many of today’s prominent leaders and professionals. For example, among HBCU graduates are 40 percent of the African American members of Congress, 50 percent of African American lawyers, 80 percent of African American judges and more than 50 percent of the nation’s research scientists and medical doctors.

The huge impact HBCUs have made and continue to make are significant. So much so, that someone was paying enough attention to disrupt the learning process with a series of bomb threats on this, the first day of Black History Month. These are the same institutions of higher learning that have survived despite decades of underfunding to the tune of $12.8 billion from their state and federal governments. These are the same institutions that warded off attacks from the Ku Klux Klan and other extremists groups that used arson, violence and threats of violence to intimidate those enrolled. These are the same institutions whose very relevancy and viability continue to be questioned even though the evidence clearly shows that HBCUs are producing scholars and professionals who not only can compete in the global market, but who can dominate and make waves.

Today’s bomb threats are a reminder that HBCUs are not going unnoticed. Somebody is paying attention. Perhaps folks are still underestimating the essence of resilience and fortitude HBCUs possess. If history is any indicator, once all the bomb squads have cleared the campuses for regular business, these schools will continue to defy the odds and deliver.

-Sojourner Justice


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